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Collection Spotlight | The David W. Niven Collection of Early Jazz Legends, 1921-1991

We are spotlighting the David W. Niven Collection Early Jazz Legends, which features jazz recordings from the all the greats that Niven collected: Duke Ellington, Louis Armstrong, Charlie Parker, Chet Baker, Thelonious Monk, Stan Getz.

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Collection Spotlight | The David W. Niven Collection of Early Jazz Legends, 1921-1991

We are spotlighting the David W. Niven Collection Early Jazz Legends, which features jazz recordings from the all the greats that Niven collected: Duke Ellington, Louis Armstrong, Charlie Parker, Chet Baker, Thelonious Monk, Stan Getz.

Collaborate for Sustainability: JTS2016

The Joint Technical Symposium brings together all the associations within the audiovisual archiving field. It is a three-yearly event that took place last week and was co-hosted by SEAPAVAA and the National Archives of Singapore.

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Collaborate for Sustainability: JTS2016

The Joint Technical Symposium brings together all the associations within the audiovisual archiving field. It is a three-yearly event that took place last week and was co-hosted by SEAPAVAA and the National Archives of Singapore.

New technology for creatives

On February 17th a H2020 concertation meeting took place organized by the European Commission DG Connect unit. The meeting was a chance for several projects with...

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New technology for creatives

On February 17th a H2020 concertation meeting took place organized by the European Commission DG Connect unit. The meeting was a chance for several projects with...

More Than Just a Pretty Face

The Netherlands Institute for Sound & Vision is perhaps best known for the building we are housed in. But our innovation doesn't stop at the architectural design. We've actually been busy working on some pretty forward-thinking projects wit...

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More Than Just a Pretty Face

The Netherlands Institute for Sound & Vision is perhaps best known for the building we are housed in. But our innovation doesn't stop at the architectural design. We've actually been busy working on some pretty forward-thinking projects wit...

Ontdek iconische momenten uit de jaren '60 in videomuseum 'Ondersteboven'

Op is vanaf 27 februari een interactief videomuseum te verkennen. In dit museum laten acht ‘curatoren’ hun kijk op de jaren zestig zien. Lees verder...

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Ontdek iconische momenten uit de jaren '60 in videomuseum 'Ondersteboven'

Op is vanaf 27 februari een interactief videomuseum te verkennen. In dit museum laten acht ‘curatoren’ hun kijk op de jaren zestig zien. Lees verder...

Kenniscafé: het archiveren van computergames

Eric Kaltman, voormalig computergame-archivaris bij Stanford University en onderzoeker bij University of California, Santa Cruz, was te gast in het Kenniscafé om kennis te delen vanuit zijn acht jaar ervaring met het archiveren van games.

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Kenniscafé: het archiveren van computergames

Eric Kaltman, voormalig computergame-archivaris bij Stanford University en onderzoeker bij University of California, Santa Cruz, was te gast in het Kenniscafé om kennis te delen vanuit zijn acht jaar ervaring met het archiveren van games.

Preservation Training for Audiovisual Collections

Fourteen archivists from various backgrounds gathered in Sound & Vision's creative space BengLabs to take part in our first Winter School for Audiovisual Archiving. .

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Preservation Training for Audiovisual Collections

Fourteen archivists from various backgrounds gathered in Sound & Vision's creative space BengLabs to take part in our first Winter School for Audiovisual Archiving. .

Europeana Space Hack the Book Festival

On January 22-24 the Europeana Space Project held their third hack event, the Hack the Book Festival. The event was organized and hosted by the Onasis Cultural Centre (OCC) in Athens in coordination with the Open and Hybrid Publishing pilot...

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Europeana Space Hack the Book Festival

On January 22-24 the Europeana Space Project held their third hack event, the Hack the Book Festival. The event was organized and hosted by the Onasis Cultural Centre (OCC) in Athens in coordination with the Open and Hybrid Publishing pilot...

Het managen van verschillende media.

Het managen van verschillende media.25 januari, 15.00 uur: telefoon. Een directiesecretaresse van een niet nader te noemen omroep vraagt om een foto v...

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Het managen van verschillende media.

Het managen van verschillende media.25 januari, 15.00 uur: telefoon. Een directiesecretaresse van een niet nader te noemen omroep vraagt om een foto v...