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The Sound & Vision experience

In the former Sound & Vision experience you'll discover the world of the media and get to roll up your sleeves. Famous Dutch media personalities act as a virtual guide while you step into the shoes of stars and media producers, check your media literacy and learn about the Dutch media history.

VR Tour in our experience

Experience our former museum in VR!

This is Sound & Vision's (former) permanent exhibition. 

Kids performing at the TopPop stage

You are the star

Make your grand entrance through the Showdoor, play a cop in an exciting chase scene or perform on stage in the POPstudio. Would you rather be behind the scenes? You'll be the director, be in charge of the lights or create your own Pat & Man animation film. 

Visitors looking at puppets from the tv show 'De Fabeltjeskrant'

Discover the past

Take a seat in the Media Lounge and watch and listen to 20.000 hours of film, tv and radio from Sound & Vision's media collection. In the pavillion Kijkbuiskinderen you'll see children's television from all generations and be eye to eye with the real Mr. Owl puppet from The Daily Fable.

Children playing at 'Media Ukkie Land'

Media literacy

How do politics and media influence each other? What do you share on social media? How does the media seduce your kids? In the pavillions Macht and Media (Power and Media) and, you'll find out how media literate you are in a playful way. In the Media Ukkie Land playground you'll see how your child reacts to media and get useful parenting tips.

A girl reads the news in front of a green screen while being recorded

This is how news works

Take the place of a newsreader and present the news yourself. That's how fast the autocue rolls! Compile the evening news and watch the highs and lows of a 100 years of journalism. 


The ring

Your ticket to the Sound & Vision experience is a ring. By scanning it in the exhibition, we'll know who your are and we'll be able to link all the content you produced to your personal account. Just check your inbox and share your videos with your friends.