Copyright issues play an important role in opening up collections. Copyright also applies to a large part of the collection of Sound & Vision. Increasing knowledge and having in-house expertise on copyright is therefore essential for Sound & Vision and an important area of attention for open availability and re-use by third parties.
Flowchart rights assessment
In order to make our collection available online as much as possible while at the same time respecting the interests of rightsholders, Sound & Vision developed a flowchart which is the basis for every copyright research within our collection. Copyright, neighbouring rights, portrait rights and privacy considerations are mapped, documented and processed in the metadata so the legal situation is fixed and captured for both the short and the long term. As a result, we know exactly when something is going to belong to the public domain, or what the possibilities are for providing archive material to consumers, education and businesses.
Do you want to know what steps we take in every copyright research?
Would you like to know more about copyright? Read the elaborate synopsis of the Dutch copyright law. In a summary of the Dutch Institute for Sound & Vision you will find the most important concepts of Dutch copyright law.