In Waisda? an annotation game for video was developed. Players are asked to add keywords to video material to help increase the searchability of audiovisual archives.
In Waisda? an annotation game for video was developed. Players are asked to add keywords to video material to help increase the searchability of audiovisual archives.
In Waisda? players are asked to add keywords (tags) to video material. Because the player describes what exactly can be seen or heard in a certain scene - and at what time this is the case - the game will lead to better searchability of the video material. Ultimately, it will be possible to find a specific excerpt from a video quickly and accurately, without first having to view or skip through the entire item. The idea behind Waisda? is based on the principle that a keyword is meaningful when several people separately assign the same tag to a video.
The first version of Waisda? used material from the KRO programs Boer zoekt vrouw and Memories and old Polygoon newsreels. The software is made available open source and was later also used for material from the NCRV television program Man bijt hond (named Woordentikkertje) and the VARA program Vroege Vogels (named Spotvogel).
Waisda? was part of a series of pilots carried out within the Images for the Future project to explore the possibilities of public participation and was evaluated after a six-month duration. Waisda? is a project of Sound & Vision in collaboration with the KRO, in the context of Images for the Future. The development of the game was done by Q42. Within the framework of the European research program PrestoPRIME, VU University Amsterdam provided additional advice on the processing of public descriptions and improvements to the game.