Open Media Art
Open Media Art enabled young artists to create new work by reusing the open audiovisual collection of Sound & Vision.
Open Media Art enabled young artists to create new work by reusing the open audiovisual collection of Sound & Vision.

Open Media Art is an initiative of Sound & Vision that enables the reuse of the part of the collection that is openly available. A talent development trajectory of eight months offers five artists the opportunity to make new work based on this collection. The project enables the artists to explore innovative, interdisciplinary concepts that strengthen the creative value of heritage collections.
During the trajectory, the artists regulary meet to discuss their individual projects. At each meeting, external coaches that have expert knowledge in the field of (online) media culture are invited. They will give input to the individial participants, but also to the group as a whole, so that they are stimulated in the creative process as much as possible. The results of the project will be presented both online and offline in the spring of 2016.
With this intensive cooperation, Sound & Vision hopes to share its knowledge on working with open licenses, and also hopes to gain more insights into the wishes and expectations of the creative sector.
The project Open Media Art is made possible by the Creative Industries Fund.