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Framing the Dutch Landscape

Framing the Dutch Landscape analyses the representation of the Dutch rural 'modernisation project' in the post World War II period (1945-1985) in the agriculture films.

Framing the Dutch Landscape analyses the representation of the Dutch rural 'modernisation project' in the post World War II period (1945-1985) in the agriculture films.

Framing the Dutch Landscape

Photo: Van oud naar nieuw (1957)

In Framing the Dutch Landscape, a collection of historical information films distributed by the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture in the post-war period (1945-1985) is researched. In addition, the representation of the Dutch rural 'modernisation project' in the post-war period is analysed in agricultural films. The rural modernisation project led to innovation in working methods and thus changed daily life on farms and in villages dramatically.

The agricultural films were part of an intensive information program carried out by the Agricultural Extension Services (Landbouwvoorlichtingsdiensten). The films were intended to get the abstract policy in the hearts and minds of people in the countryside through well-chosen cinematographic techniques.

The research is the PhD research of ir. Peter Veer at the University of Amsterdam. The films are preserved in the archive of Sound & Vision.

Eleven films

The doctoral research goes deeper into a selection of eleven films.

Six films deal with the theme 'The Imagination of the Agricultural Cultural Landscape', also called 'ruilverkaveling'. 

Six films

Five films belong to the theme 'information and social engineering'.

Five films

Agricultural films 

For the study 'Bewogen landschap', Stichting Multimediale Cultuur (SMC) Amsterdam gathers stories from people who were involved in the modernisation project (1945-1985) of the Dutch countryside. 

SMC collaborates with, among others, the Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands (RCE). 'Het Land van Maas en Waal' is one of the post-war reconstruction landscapes that the RCE focuses on. There are five films from that region. The other five episodes are about other subjects that were relevant in the Dutch countryside.