ekip will guide and strengthen the capacity of the Cultural and Creative Industries. This way ekip will kindle a network that participates in and leads innovation through a collaborative process of policy formulation. Sound & Vision leads activities that encourage CCIs to ensure they have the right skills and resources to contribute to the green and digital transition.
ekip will guide and strengthen the capacity of the Cultural and Creative Industries. This way ekip will kindle a network that participates in and leads innovation through a collaborative process of policy formulation. Sound & Vision leads activities that encourage CCIs to ensure they have the right skills and resources to contribute to the green and digital transition.

**Upcoming event on April 15th**
The deadline for registration for the Policy Lab by ekip has passed, but for more information, please visit Cultural and creative industries enabling green transition - Ekip Engine.
On April 15th experts on CCI, policy, green transition and NEB will come together for the second Policy Lab of the ekip initiative in Brussels. During this day, the discussion will focus on the role of CCIs in the green transition and the New European Bauhaus (NEB) initiative. It will be a day of learning, exchanging, and co-creating where everyone attending will help shape concrete policy recommendations enabling the role of cultural and creative industries.
The Cultural and Creative Industries (CCI) are a core part of our cultures, economies and societies. They bring the creativity, critique and care for cultural and societal inclusion that are essential for the green and digital transition. The recognition of this potential, coupled with the right conditions for research & innovation (R&I), are key in creating a flourishing CCI ecosystem that serves society and the planet.
It is with the CCIs that we can ignite innovation toward a green and digital conscious world where CCIs are a powerful player in stimulating progress. Using participatory approaches, ekip will formulate R&I priorities, deliver policy recommendations and carry out capacity building activities for a dynamic European CCI ecosystem. This will enable the sector to fully participate in multi-stakeholder innovation processes and drive change towards a more green, inclusive and digitally literate society.
A network for all CCIs
The foundation of ekip is a network composed of CCI players - from self-employed creators to larger organisations and networks - as well as representatives from other sectors, including health, education and ICT. Together they will:
- Identify and prioritise R&I essential topics with a focus on green and digital transition,
- Map the CCI needs for technical and financial support, for skill development and for regulation, in order to make complex innovation processes more accessible,
- Contribute data on high priority policy areas covering all member states and diverse CCIs.
By bringing together a wide range of stakeholders from across Europe, the ekip network will fill existing data gaps for CCIs and inform the creation of new innovation policies and support instruments.
A policy engine for innovation in and with CCIs
Synthesising ideas emerging from the network, ekip will develop and put to test policy recommendations and new R&I stimulation measures - this is the ekip engine process. Through 15 policy labs a wide variety of cross-sectoral stakeholders will work together on policy areas such as the role of artificial intelligence, transition to zero emissions in creative value chains and addressing geographic innovation imbalances across Europe. This will result in R&I policy recommendations and practical guidelines on how to implement and track development in innovation ecosystems.
Role of Sound & Vision
The Sound & Vision team will lead activities building the capacities of CCIs to participate in complex multi-stakeholder innovation processes and open innovation ecosystems. Our goal is to ensure that a diverse range of CCIs have the right skills and access to resources to contribute to the green and digital transition. With a special focus on the capacities of small and medium-sized CCI actors, we will host training workshops, hackathons and policy camps.
Project partners
Lund University, Creative Business Network, Beeld & Geluid, Universiteit Delft, Creativity Lab, MSCOMM, Polictecnico di Milano, Technopolis, IDEA, HUMAK, NextAtlas, stad Rotterdam , Bratislava city, Creative Industry Kosice, Saint-Etienne, New Moment, University of Edinburgh.
This project has been funded by the European Union as part of the Horizon Europe Framework Program (HORIZON), under the grant agreement 101112111.