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CLARIN is a European initiative that aims to make e-science possible within the humanities and social sciences.

CLARIN is a European initiative that aims to make e-science possible within the humanities and social sciences.


CLARIN is responsible for the development of a European digital infrastructure in which linguistic resources and technologies are easily available to all researchers. To this end, CLARIN brings together institutes that develop language technologies and linguistic sources together with research institutes that (could) make use of these technologies and sources in their research.

More than 30 institutes from 25 different countries are affiliated to CLARIN as partners. The European project is responsible for the coordination, cooperation and exchange of information between the different participating countries. In each participating country there will be a national organization that is financed by the own government. The national projects are responsible for the standardization of source materials, the development and adaptation of tools to deal with these international standards. CLARIN-NL will also educate and train the intended target group in the use of the infrastructure for the benefit of their research.