A Submarine Channel blog: tips for making web projects future proof
The Internet. Without doubt the biggest game changer in the media landscape of the past decades. But also notoriously difficult to archive. Therefore, since 2008, the Netherlands Institute for Sound & Vision has been involved in projects concerning the preservation of websites. Since 2012 it has its own, media related web archive.
More recently, the Institute ran a pilot aimed at exploring solutions for the preservation of more unstable, dynamic webcontent. Technologies that enable advanced user interaction (such as Flash and Javascript) are often used by makers of interactive documentaries and other storytelling websites. An important player in the Netherlands is Submarine Channel, producer and distributor of such transmedia projects.
A few months ago, Sound & Vision wrote a guest blog for Submarine Channel’s Top 5. Five things makers of web projects can do to make preservation for the future a little bit easier. We thought we’d repost it here for your convenience. You can read the entire blog here.