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Hacking the [Dancing] Body

And the outcomes?

There were 5 teams in total for the PDH and only 3 could be chosen to be brought to London for a the Europeana Space Business Modelling Workshop held by project partners, REMIX.

The winners were:

  • Nous, who are integrating BCI as a new way for users to explore online collections.
  • SubtleDance, who explored how motion tracking can become a new way to present artwork through audience participation.
  • In the moment, mixed motion tracking and 3D game environments along to shake up how to explore cultural heritage in a totally new way.

We couldn’t be happier with the outcomes of the event. Stay tuned to find out who the winner of the second Europeana Space incubation support package will be in January.


Images via CIANT and Hetty Blades