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DigiBIC: Looking for Research Projects


DigiBIC is a project that wants to help the deployment of research initiatives in ICT- based cultural and memory preservation services from across Europe. By partnering research leaders, the project is creating a network specialised in assisting start up companies and SMEs to exploit new technologies and market opportunities originating in research environments. 

The project has issued a questionnaire:

  1. To collect relevant research results/technologies ready for deployment for SMEs which can be uploaded in online DigiBIC technology catalogue/training centre,
  2. To identify research actors suitable for future collaboration in technology development/deployment. 

You can find the questionnaire at:

Research results/technologies should:

  • Address latest research topics/technology trends which are most relevant to creative industry companies, ideally sth like: Virtualisation and fabric computing;  Social networks and social software; Cloud computing and cloud/Web platforms; Web mashups; User Interface; Ubiquitous computing; Contextual computing; Augmented reality; Semantics
  • be especially relevant to the following CI sectors: Software; Publishing; Film & Video; Design,
  • address new CI manufacturing or user interaction processes

If your research department has worked on this type of publicly funded products, technologies or investigations, please fill out our questionnaire before November 21st at:

More info!/DigiBIC