Guest speakers and trainers 2020
The programme of the 4-day training is developed by a core team of experts with an extensive track record in the domain. For the 2020 edition of Winter School this team consists of: Peter Bubestinger-Steindl, Kara van Malssen and Erwin Verbruggen. To link theory to practice, the first three training days an external guest speaker is invited to share experiences about implementing digital preservation in their organisation. For this edition the guest speakers are: Jonáš Svatoš, Lucy Wales and Marjolein Steeman.
Peter Bubestinger-Steindl
<p>Peter Bubestinger-Steindl studied Media Computer Science at the Technical University in Vienna. He has worked as a project lead and developer in the field of digital archives since 2002. As employee of NOA, he set up and developed solutions for both television and radio archives and service-providers (ORF, RTV-Slovenia, Memnon, YLE, etc). From 2010 to 2015, he managed the video digitization development at the Austrian Mediathek and was instrumental in discovering and improving the lossless video codec FFV1 for long-term preservation. In recent years he has specialized in coordinating and deploying paid open source solutions for high-quality, demanding use cases and has been invited as a trainer, speaker and lecturer by memory institutions, universities and companies around the globe. In 2015 he founded the company "AV-RD" which offers services and development around Open Source in the archival sector.</p>
Kara van Malssen
<p>Kara Van Malssen is a partner and senior consultant at AVPreserve, a consulting and software development firm focused on helping organizations realize the potential of their information. Kara specializes in digital preservation, digital asset management, and metadata management. Some of her recent clients include the Smithsonian Institution, WWE, U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, University of Ghana, and VIAA. Kara has taught courses in Digital Preservation and Digital Literacy for the Moving Image Archiving and Preservation MA Programme, from which she is a graduate. She is also lead instructor and curriculum developer for ICCROM's SOIMA programme.</p>
Erwin Verbruggen
<p>Since graduating from the MA programme Preservation & Presentation of the Moving Image in Amsterdam in 2009, Erwin Verbruggen has worked at the Netherlands Institute of Sound & Vision. He assisted on cataloguing, film preparation and film scanning issues for the nitrate and amateur film collections. Since 2011 he works at the department for research and development, where he participates in local and international projects that involve search retrieval, interoperability, user studies and digital preservation. Erwin has been a guest lecturer at Utrecht University, the University of Amsterdam, the ENCRyM School for Conservation and National University in Mexico City and at the previous editions of the Winter School.</p>
Guest speakers
Jonáš Svatoš
<p dir="ltr"><span>Jonáš Svatoš is the Head of Digital Laboratory in Národní filmový archiv, the department which looks after digital film collections, as well as is responsible for services related to digitization of film and other media. He is originally a software engineer who focuses mainly on implementing solutions based on open standards and formats into the field of digital preservation. Jonáš is a graduate of the Center for Audiovisual Studies at FAMU in Prague, and he also participates on experimental theater performances, either as a creator of software systems and electronic devices, or as author of visuals, mainly within the theater group "Handa Gote Research & Development".</span></p>
Lucy Wales
<p dir="ltr"><span>Lucy Wales is currently the Digital Preservation and Data Manager at the BFI responsible for managing the Digital Operations team, the BFI Filmography Diversity Researcher and the planning and implementation of data creation and media management workflows for the Heritage 2022 video digitisation and diversity data research projects. Working with the Digital Operations team and BFI Collections and Information colleagues she is responsible for the planning and implementation of best practice digital preservation and digital collections access processes, procedures and delivery. </span><span>Lucy has worked at the BFI as a National Catalogue Data Specialist and then as an Information Specialist since 2013, until moving into the Information Manager role. In those roles she has been responsible for the BFI’s contribution to the National Catalogue by improving data quality through data analysis, cleaning and enrichment. This included creating CID records for the BFI’s Unlocking Film Heritage project, EIDR registration of the UK’s filmography and auditing and acquiring satellite tape collections for the BFI National Archive. Lucy graduated with an MA in Film Archiving from the University of East Anglia and worked in the Information and Archives Department of the BBC for six years before joining the BFI.</span></p>
Marjolein Steeman
<p><span>Marjolein Steeman is working on various projects in the area of preservation and metadata. She develops and implements preservation plans for new formats and archive services. Marjolein has been working at Sound & Vision for over 10 years. She studied information science at VU University Amsterdam and worked for years as an expert in data analysis and data management. From 2017, Marjolein is part of the </span><em>Verkennen</em><span> Department, where she for example enhances the monitoring of the Asset Management System by a new BI-tool.</span></p>