
Sound & Vision is the institute for media culture. We manage a diverse media collection that grows larger every day. In addition to one of the largest audiovisual collections in Europe, you will also find other forms of media in our collection, such as written press, political prints, websites and media-related objects.

Still from a puppet of an owl, from the animated Dutch television series  'The Fabeltjeskrant'. (Meneer de Uil)
Digitale opslag

What’s in the collection?

As an institute for media culture, Sound & Vision manages a media collection in the broadest sense of the word, from written press, film, radio and television to computer games, online video and websites, whether or not professionally produced. A large part of this collection is digitally stored. We manage this digital collection in such a reliable and sustainable manner that we are the first national audiovisual archive in the world to be awarded with the Data Seal of Approval.

The collection is built on four thematic pillars: 'News, information and current affairs', 'Culture and entertainment', 'Amateur and business productions' and 'The media landscape'.

Read the collection policy (2013)


Collection use

You can view and listen to a part of our collection online at Here you can find the items for which we have the permission to publish online. You can search other materials, but you can only view them at our customer service in Hilversum or by ordering them as a download for private use.

At the customer service, you can view and listen to the entire digitized collection for free. It’s open on weekdays from 9am to 5pm.You can find it on floor -1 in our building.

Order for private use

Via you can search our entire digital catalogue and you can order items for private use.

For media professionals and teachers, we offer access to the collection via different platforms.


Cannot find what you are looking for or you have another question about searching or ordering material? Contact our customer contact center.

T +31 35 - 677 55 55 (Monday to Friday 8.30 am to 5.30 pm CET)



Free re-use on Open Images

On you can view and download a small part of the Sound & Vision collection for free. This material can be re-used free of charge because it’s part of the public domain or because it has been made available by the copyright holders under a Creative Commons-license. In this license, a number of conditions may be attached to the re-use such as the name or only the use in non-commercial communications.

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