SEALINCmedia develops solutions to help improve the quality of labels assigned to content, but also to help enrich the interaction between the users and collections.
SEALINCmedia develops solutions to help improve the quality of labels assigned to content, but also to help enrich the interaction between the users and collections.
SEALINCmedia (Socially-Enriched Access to LINked Cultural media) develops solutions to help improve the quality of labels assigned to content, but also to help enrich the interaction between the users and collections. This is done by combining machine-driven multimedia content labeling with the social content interaction concepts from Web 2.0.
The Netherlands Institute for Sound & Vision in involved in developing SocialZap, a multimedia search engine that finds the most interesting fragments, zap points, in a television broadcast based on microblog posts and socially tagged photos.
SEALINCmedia is funded through the COMMIT/ programm.