Winter School 2016
The Winter School for Audiovisual Archiving is an initiative from the Netherlands Institute for Sound & Vision in collaboration with AVA_Net. The Winter School offers archivists and collection holders of AV archives the necessary knowledge and skills to form or improve the digital preservation management of their audiovisual collections. The 2016 edition of Winter School focussed on assessing and implementing preservation policies for digital audiovisual collections.

Sebastiaan ter Burg, CC BY 2.0
With the amounts and wide variety of born-digital media created on a daily basis, there is a growing need to implement and update audiovisual preservation plans in order to respond to the rising challenges of digital preservation.
The Winter School offered archivists and collection holders of AV archives the necessary knowledge and skills to form or improve the digital preservation management of their audiovisual collections.
Guest speakers
The guest speakers of 2016 were Raelene Casey (Irish Film Institute), David Rowntree (UN-MICT) and Gema Grueso Otalo (Museo Reina Sofía).

Raelene Casey (Irish Film Institute)
Raelene Casey, Digital Collections and Access Manager at the Irish Film Archive, spoke about the process their organisation went through to develop and put on paper its preservation plans.

David Rowntree (UN-MICT)
David Rowntree, Audiovisual Archivist at the United Nations Mechanism for International Criminal Tribunals, spoke about how the UN Mechanism implements digital preservation solutions for its extensive video collections.

Gema Grueso Otalo (Museo Reina Sofía)
Gema Grueso Otalo, professional specialist on cultural heritage conservation and restoration at Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, spoke about how the preservation of the heterogeneous AV artworks in the museum collection is tackled, taking advantage of the resources at hand within the different departments integrating the institution.