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ReTV researches novel solutions for broadcasters and their content partners to publish their material on multiple media channels with the effort, adjusted to the target audience.

ReTV researches novel solutions for broadcasters and their content partners to publish their material on multiple media channels with the effort, adjusted to the target audience.

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Broadcasters suffer from a growing gap between their viewers and their content. They have to publish and manage their content on a large number of channels and platforms (eg SmartTV and mobile apps, online video platforms, social media and online archives). In addition, TV content does not reach the right online target groups quickly enough and in formats that do not match the intended audience.

ReTV is tackling this shift with new services to cope with the rapidly changing digital media landscape, which is constantly redefining the demands and expectations of television viewers. The project focuses on the gap between users and content by building the Trans-Vector Platform (TVP). The TVP helps broadcasters by providing in-depth insights into the TV audience and their interactions with video content. TVP also guides the reuse of their content on different platforms based on these insights.

ReTV is funded by the Horizon 2020 research & innovation program of the European Union.

Project partners

VU Amsterdam (NL), Modul Technology GmbH (AT), Information Technologies Institute – CERTH (GR), webLyzard Technology GmbH (AT), Zattoo (DE), Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg (DE), Genistat (DE).