Ready to Reach Out: Connecting Cultural Heritage Collections
Source image: report of Ready to Reach Out
In the framework of the Netherlands’ Presidency of the EU, the Netherlands Ministry of Education, Culture and Science organized a conference last June on the challenges in connecting digital cultural heritage collections cross-domain and cross-border. The conference explored the (unpaved) roads towards finding and serving wider audiences. There is now a report available of this conference.
Sound & Vision
Sound & Vision's director Jan Müller moderated two subsessions during the conference: "The Power Of Europeana" and "National and Regional Networks". Maarten Brinkerink was part of the panel in this last subsession on national and regional networks. In his presentation he expressed three challenges in technology and intellectual property. The first challenge is to make cultural heritage material accessible, so users can find the things they are interested in. The second challenge is to learn what our users want, beyond the principles cultural heritage organizations use. Finally, Brinkerink sees a challenge in interacting with the audience, to move beyond being visible to it.
More information
- Find the interactive report on Issuu. In this interactive magazine, you will find and impression of all plenary sessions and workshops, as well as video registrations of the plenary sessions, photos and some of the presentations of our speakers.
- Download the report (PDF)